Giovanni S.
D.Phil. (Oxon.)
Machine Learning Genoa (MaLGa) Center
Department of Mathematics
University of Genoa
Via Dodecaneso 35
16146 Genova
Email: ti.eginu@itrebla.innavoig
Phone: +39 010 353 6946
Machine Learning Genoa Center
Mathematical Institute, Oxford
Maths Department, ETH Zurich
Centre for Nonlinear PDE
Rima Alaifari
Habib Ammari
Ángel Arroyo
Guillaume Bal
Francesca Bartolucci
Malcolm Brown
Paolo Campodonico
Yves Capdeboscq
Stephan Dahlke
Filippo De Mari
Ernesto De Vito
Michele Di Cristo
Alessandro Felisi
Hartmut Führ
Tandri Gauksson
Johannes Hertrich
Bangti Jin
Matti Lassas
Marco Marletta
Romain Petit
Yannick Privat
Luca Ratti
Francisco Romero
Matteo Santacesaria
Jin-Keun Seo
Silvia Sciutto
S. Ivan Trapasso
Stefano Vigogna
Timothée Wintz
Ian Wood
I am constantly looking for motivated PhD students and Postdocs (funded by the ERC StG SAMPDE): if you are interested in working with me at MaLGa please email me a CV, a motivation letter, and the contacts of at least two referees.
I am a professor in mathematical analysis at the Department of Mathematics of the University of Genoa. I received my PhD at the University of Oxford, and held two post-doctoral positions at the École Normale Supérieure in Paris and at ETH Zürich. My research focuses on partial differential equations, applied harmonic analysis, inverse problems and machine learning. I was the recipient of the Gioacchino Iapichino prize for Mathematical Analysis in 2017, of the Eurasian Association on Inverse Problems Young Scientist Award for distinguished contributions to inverse problems in 2018, and of a ERC Starting Grant 2021.
Press (in Italian): TgR Liguria (2022), ERC Starting Grant 2021, Articolo su Secolo XIX (2019), I mestieri dei matematici (2017)
Recent and future events
- Speaker at Inverse Problems in the Physical Sciences, Puerto Varas, Chile, January 15-18, 2024
- Speaker at Statistics Seminar, University of Cambridge, February 16, 2024
- Speaker at SIAM Conference on Uncertainty Quantification, Trieste, Italy, February 27-March 1, 2024
- Speaker at International Conference on Elliptic and Parabolic Problems: GAETA 2024, Gaeta, Italy, May 20-25, 2024
- Speaker at AMS-UMI Joint Meeting, University of Palermo, July 23-26, 2024
- Speaker at Statistical aspects of non-linear inverse problems, University of Cambridge, September 17-19, 2024
- Speaker at Deep Learning for PDE-based Inverse Problems, Oberwolfach, October 27 - November 1, 2024
- Speaker at Harmonic Analysis E-Seminars, November 13, 2024
- Speaker at Applied Mathematics Seminar, Mathematics Institute, University of Warwick, November 29, 2024
- Speaker at Tomography Across the Scales Meeting, Obergurgl University Center, Austria, December 3-6, 2024
- Speaker at Data-Enabled Science Seminar, Department of Mathematics, University of Houston, December 6, 2024
- Speaker at AIMS conference, NYU Abu Dhabi, December 16-20, 2024
- Speaker at Advanced Numerical Methods for Machine and Deep Learning, University of Ferrara, January 20-25, 2025
- Speaker at Geilo Winter Schools in eScience, Geilo, Norway, January 19-24, 2025
Research interests
Partial differential equations, inverse problems, applied harmonic analysis, compressed sensing, mathematical imaging, machine learning.
Google Scholar
Web of Science
Communications on Analysis and Computation
Inverse Problems
Mathematical Foundations of Machine Learning
Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization
SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences
Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering (2019-2021)
Selected talks
- Localization of point-like scatterers via sparse optimization on measures
- AIMS Conference, NYU Abu Dhabi, 2024.
- Learning (simple) regularizers for inverse problems
- Data-Enabled Science Seminar,
Department of Mathematics, University of Houston, 2024.
- Sampling in inverse problems
- Harmonic Analysis E-Seminars, 2024.
- Continuous generative neural networks
- BASP 2023.
- Compressed sensing for the sparse Radon transform
- Inverse problems in the desert, NYU Abu Dhabi, 2022.
- Regularity theory for Maxwell's equations
- Online Seminar on Mathematical Methods in the Theory of Electromagnetism, 2021.
- Adversarial deformations for DNNs
- Inverse Problems and Machine Learning workshop, CRM Montreal, 2019.
- Combining the Runge approximation and the Whitney embedding theorem in hybrid imaging
- Reconstruction Methods for Inverse Problems, BIRS, Canada, 2019.
- Mathematical analysis of ultrafast ultrasound imaging
- IPMS 2018, Malta.
- Calderón's Inverse Problem with a Finite Number of Measurements
- Inverse Problems, Imaging and PDEs, IAS, Hong Kong, 2018.
- Mathematical analysis of ultrafast ultrasound imaging
- Applied Inverse Problems Conference, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, 2017.
- Non-zero constraints in quantitative coupled physics
- Quantitative Tomographic Imaging - Radon meets Bell and Maxwell, Ricam, Linz, 2017.
- Disjoint sparsity for signal separation and applications to hybrid imaging inverse problems
- UCL Seminar, 2015.
- Using multiple frequencies to enforce non-zero
constraints in PDE and applications to hybrid imaging
- "Inverse Problem Seminar", IHP, Paris, 2015.
- Two-dimensional reproducing formulae arising from the
metaplectic representation and their discretisation
- "Real and complex manifolds: geometry, topology and harmonic
analysis", Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa, 2015.
- Elliptic
regularity theory applied to time harmonic Maxwell's equations -
"6th South West Regional PDE Winter School",
University of Oxford, 2014.
- Compressed sensing for the sparse Radon transform
- "Leveraging Model- and Data-Driven Methods in Medical Imaging", BIRS 2023.
- Regularity theory for Maxwell's equations
- Cardiff Analysis Seminar, 2021.
- Infinite-dimensional inverse problems with finite measurements
- OneWorld IMAGINE seminar, 2021.
- Infinite-dimensional inverse problems with finite measurements
- "Statistical aspects of non-linear inverse problems", BIRS, Canada, 2021.
- Infinite-dimensional inverse problems with finite measurements
- "IFIP TC7 Conference on System modeling and optimization", 2021.
- Compressed sensing photoacoustic tomography
- Erwin Schrödinger International Institute for Mathematics and Physics, Vienna, 2021.
- Combining the Runge approximation and the Whitney embedding theorem in hybrid imaging
- "Reconstruction Methods for Inverse Problems", BIRS, Canada, 2019.
- Disjoint sparsity for signal separation and applications to
hybrid imaging inverse problems
- "Hybrid Methods in Imaging", BIRS, Canada, 2015.
- Using
multiple frequencies
to satisfy local constraints - Course
"Problèmes inverses hybrides" by Yves
Capdeboscq, Collège de France, Paris, 2014.
- Using
multiple frequencies
to satisfy local constraints in PDE and applications to hybrid problems
- "Problèmes inverses et imagerie", IHP Paris, 2014.